LunaNYXstock on DeviantArt

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LunaNYXstock's avatar

Feather pictures - pack 03



Fifteen photos, just delete the ones you don’t use/like:)

Wants the brushes?

Feather brushes -set 01: [link]
Feather brushes -set 02: [link]
Feather brushes -set 03: [link]


:bulletblue: Give proper credit by linking back to ~LunaNYXstock

:bulletblue: Let me know when you have used my stock, leave a message on my front page with a link to your work or on the picture you used (or send a note), so I can favorite it!

:bulletblue: You are FREE to use my stocks outside DA without first contacting me, but please remember to credit me there as well. (Well, outside DA it’s only your conscience that can control this!)

:bulletred: Nothing pornographic, sexist, racist or discriminating may be made with my stock photos!

Human, animals and brushes:
© 2007 - 2024 LunaNYXstock
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Explicit18's avatar
Used here, thank you so much <3
HEE Horse avi by Explicit18